I was thinking, after a talk with a colleague, about reflecting on the visit to the Groton-Dunstable School District and the way I have emphasized the workshop model as a key component of UDL as a take away. I know that Yes! The workshop model is really Symbolic of a student centered approach to teaching, vs. a teacher centered approach.
Implementing the Workshop Model well is a process.
- By using the workshop model, the teachers at G-D were free to design instruction to meet the needs of variable learners rather than retrofit a 'traditional style' lesson with UDL.
- The math coach Karen Gartland at Groton Dunstable was clear that her staff spent time really digging into the math frameworks before rolling out math workshop, so they would be clear about what understandings kids would need, what the clear goal of each lesson would be, and understand where and how to appropriately layer and design in a way that is true to both the standards and the children in front of them.
- In order for the workshop Model to be truly student centered, we need to be clear about the learning goal and create learning activities for students to choose from that are designed to eliminate the barriers to the the learning goal.
As timing would have it, Katie Novak just tweeted about an article that really makes the distinction clear. I am posting it here because I Don’t want people to think the workshop itself will equate to Universally designed instruction, it is a piece and most definitely a step in the direction of student centered instruction. The article is clearer than anything I
Could write at the moment, so here it is.
- Article: “Shifts to Move from Teacher Centered to Student Centered” https://katielmartin.com/2019/01/13/4-shifts-to-move-from-teacher-centered-to-learner-centered/
- Video: (9 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcDpDPwRxvU
- Article: “Changing Paradigms from Adult Centered... http://blog.nassp.org/2017/06/08/changing-paradigms-from-adult-centered-to-student-centered-learning-in-schools-a-powerful-shift-and-catalyst-for-change/?fbclid=IwAR1ipQmKnRt32sRG1i5OpUm45JpYIAKQFKVpB4rFhZ7NdUBQRKr0W7CdVAk
- Video: Student Centered Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvzVAQkuSqU
- NEW! Article: "Characteristics of Learner Centered Experiences for Remote Learning" https://katielmartin.com/2020/05/02/10-characteristics-of-learner-centered-experiences-for-remote-learning/
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